
Category: Asia

Genghis Khan and The Runaway Horse

Mongolia is indeed the land of adventure, it’s contrasting landscapes and near absolute isolation in parts make it an almost certain guarantee for one of the most exhilarating trips you will ever make in a lifetime. How you decide on Read more…

How to Obtain a Visa for Mongolia in China

Bordering China, you would immediately assume that it must be simple to obtain a visa for the incredible country of Mongolia, and I know what you must be thinking, sure visas can be a pain but it’s usually sorted by Read more…

One Fine Burmese Day

An introductory post detailing my first day in the city of Yangon, Myanmar.

Yangon: The Botatuang Pagoda

Twas the third day of Yangon and not a person or thing stirred throughout the hostel at 6am, until the sound of my very raucous alarm started that is, which is an unnecessarily loud Irish-jig sounding atrocity. Why do have such Read more…

A Bagan Sunrise

To describe a Bagan sunrise is no easy task but I will attempt this feat. During my time in Bagan, I actually rose to greet every single sunrise, each a very different experience. Each time featured a different view, a Read more…

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda (Golden Rock)-No Ladies Beyond This Point

Recommended by Lonely Planet as being one of the top 10 sites to see in Myanmar and looking unlike anything I had ever seen before, I felt it absolutely necessary that I go to see this unusual pilgrimage site. One Read more…

Bagan, Myanmar

Standing atop the Thisawadi TempleĀ feeling majestic in Bagan, Myanmar.